What Are Bulk Email Senders?

Did you know the approximate number of emails sent and received in 2020 was 306.4 Billion? By 2025, this number is predicted to increase to 376.4.

That is a whopping number of emails sent. Don’t you think there should be a tool through which you can send emails to multiple people simultaneously?

It is a Bulk Email Sender. In this article, we will discuss what Bulk Email Senders are, but before that, let’s throw some light on Bulk Emails.

What Are Bulk Emails?

Bulk Email refers to thе usе of an email sеrvicе to sеnd a specific message multiple timеs. It is normally done for promotional purposes, in order to advertise a product or brand. Thеy diffеr from spam as thеy arе sеnt to individuals who havе signed up for corrеspondеncе with a company.

How Do They Work?

It comes in handy for large-volume email, only when a message can be sent to multiple contacts from a bulk email sender. This message can be sent to multiple email addresses which you are willing to purchase. While these emails can be personalized, they are rarely so.

Types of Bulk Emails

Marketing campaigns to promote a company or product send bulk emails in which the same message is sent to multiple recipients at the same time through an email service provider.

However, it is important to note that, unlike spam, these emails are not sent to people who have signed up for messages from a particular company against their will.

Now, let’s explore the different types of bulk emails:


Eighty-one percent of B2B marketers believe that Email newsletters are the most utilized form of content marketing. Newsletters are among the most efficient tools to communicate new events in a business to its subscribers. They typically provide customers information, insight, alerts, or even guides that help them understand more clearly about the offered service or product.

Promotional Emails:

Bulk emails are highly efficient in generating sales, attracting customers with amazing offers and deals, and building overall brand awareness. They also function as a tool for recommending the right products to both existing and future customers. Of the emails marketers send, 72% are sales or promotional emails.

Acquisition Emails:

Such messages are sent with a mission to get new customers. They are most often aimed at potential customers on a mailing list who have yet to purchase anything. Emails of this nature typically contain special offers to persuade potential customers into finally making that first purchase.

Retention Emails:

These mass emails are usually sent to current clients, urging them to stay with the company. The main objective is to improve the customer loyalty of a brand so that its customers do not get bored and remain happy.

What are Bulk Email Senders?

Now that you know what bulk emails are and their different types, let’s learn about bulk email senders, as they play a crucial role in the process.

Software that lets users send multiple recipients the same message at once is known as a bulk email sender. They are frequently employed for mass informational communications like newsletters, promotions, and other messages that don’t need to be customized for each recipient.

The most notable diffеrеncе bеtwееn bulk email software and ESPs is thе discrepancy in thеir functionalitiеs. Whеrе thе majority of bulk mail softwarе only makеs it possible for usеrs to sеnd mass mailings, еmail marketing sеrvicе providers provide morе functionality, such as sеnding bulk еmails, composing sеvеral mailing lists, and automating еmail campaigns.

Benefits of Bulk Email Senders

  • Timе and monеy can be savеd by automating the process of bulk mailing a single message to numerous recipients. Overall, 41% of the marketers agree that email marketing is the most effective channel.
  • Not only that, Bulk Email Marketing increases the reach of your message. It makes people more aware of your brand, as 49% of customers would like to receive emails to learn about promotional offers from their favorite brands.
  • Bulk еmail sеndеrs also provide tracking of who opens your email and clicks on the links. CTRs peaked at 16.79 percent in 2022.
  • Refined lists cultivated with a quality service and monitoring email metrics can boost engagement rates.
  • As conversions go up, so does engagement. Research shows that about 44 percent of bulk promotional email recipients purchased a product.

These are the various advantages that you can expect when you hire a Bulk Email Sender. Next, we will share some Bulk Email Sender Examples with you.

Bulk Email Sender Examples

Here are some examples of Bulk Email Senders that might be useful for you.

Email Bulk Sender

Email Bulk Sender caters to developers and product teams who need sophisticated application programming interfaces (APIs) for email campaign management. It features a simple email builder, customizable templates, segmentation, A/B testing, and personalization.

It is one of the best email senders with a nice basic plan that starts at an affordable price for up to 50,000 emails.


Sendgrid is distinct from other bulk email senders and has a great feature of advanced customization options despite being simply used for beginners.

It has capabilities such as planning, contact management, testing, workflows, and email automation with website and SMTP APIs for easy integration. The free plan is limited to 2,000 contacts and a maximum of 6,000 emails per month; paid accounts begin at $15 dollars a month.


The distributed teams may trust Mailjet to be flexible in terms of email validation, A/B testing, segmentation, personalization, and collaboration options. It is

designed for remote teams as it provides unlimited contact management and 6,000 free monthly emails. Paid plans begin at $15 per month, including special terms for those who exceed 15000 monthly emails.


Moosend is an excellent choice for anyone looking to cut costs because of its price. It is equipped with necessary components, including drag-and-drop functionality, a campaign editor, automation workflows, and list segmentation, which offer a 30-day free trial. Paid plans start at $9 and offer many benefits, like form creation for landing pages and an infinite number of emails and forms.


GetResponse is an inexpensive yet highly useful newsletter and webinar email sender that can be a perfect alternative for creators who send out newsletters and webinars.

These include the platform’s email building, sending, website creation, and webinar hosting, in addition to pre-configured workflows, segmentation, and lead scoring with automation. The cheapest plan starts at $15.58 per month, while the free plan is restricted to 500 contacts and offers unlimited newsletters.


Omnisend works with E-commerce businesses and provides a lot of email templates, performed workflows, as well as drag-and-drop builders. Specifically, it features an SMS marketing suite.

The free plan allows you to manage up to 250 contacts and send 500 emails each month. Paid plans, which start at $16 per month, offer more features.


Bulk Emails are a great way to save time and energy. To send these bulk emails, you need a reliable Bulk Email Sender. They will help in mitigating the possible problems and leverage the benefits. Hence, you must partner up with a reputable and reliable Bulk Email Sender.

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